When you have some credit and use it responsibly, paying your debts on time and without using your card in full, you'll build a credit history that will give you access to credit when you need it (you might even get a better job position). Below, you will find the basic information you need to know before going into debt:
Imagina por un momento que cada vez que tengas que salir al mundo exterior, seas sujeto de interpelación por cada cosa que hagas, digas, te pongas, o simplemente te guste. O de dónde vienes. Recibiendo “consejos” no solicitados de cómo manejarte, críticas, risas, burlas y humillaciones.
Rihoas is a Hong Kong based womens apparel brand, founded in 2021, and I have been very happy to work with them ever since they contacted me to do this collaboration, as I genuinely loved their perfectly aesthetic, concept and established brand DNA.